You are watching the SWFL Eagle cams. Named M-15(male eagle) and F-23(female eagle), this pair of Adult Bald Eagles are located in Southwest Florida(SWFL) in North Fort Myers. Get a live look at the daily activities of a mating pair of adult Bald Eagles here.
About this nest
The southwest Florida Eagle cams nest is in a pasture and about 60 feet above the ground, in a Slash Pine
tree. Bald Eagles usually return to the same nest year after year. For example, since 2007 bald eagles have made this nest tree their home. However, the original pair(Ozzie & Harriet) had been around the Pritchett McSpadden property since the 1990s. These amazing eagle cams have been the learning entertainment for millions of viewers world wide since October 2011.
There are 3 live cams focused on this nest. One shows the nest bowl. The other shows a wide view of the nest tree and the third is a 360 view of the nest bowl.
Eggs are usually laid during the second half of November. Both male and female eagles help in incubation of the eggs which usually hatch around the end of December to the beginning part of January. Both parents will provide food for the eaglets after they hatch. They will remain in the nest until 10-to-12 weeks of age before fledging.
all times are EST. Timestamps are approximate.
In February of 2023 Harriet, the original female eagle went missing and never returned.
On September 23rd 2022 after hurricane Ian the eagles came back to a completely destroyed nest. Luckily, the eagles were able to rebuild/repair it just in time for nesting.
2022-2023 season first egg laid 11/29/22 Second egg laid 12/2/22 Hatch ETA around January 3rd 2023
2021 first egg laid 11/20/21, hatched 12/27 second egg laid 11/23/21, hatched 12/28.
2020 1st Egg Laid 12/16/20 2nd Egg Laid 12/19/20
2019 Egg #1 laid 11-12 at 4:57pm. Egg#2 laid 11-16 at 5:58pm.2018 1st egg laid 11/16/18 2nd egg 11/19/18 hatch eta 35 days.
2017 E10 hatched 854pm 12/26/1, E11 at 425pm 12/27/2017
2015/16 E7 hatched 7:23am 01/26/16, E8 hatched 10:39pm 01/27/16
On September 20th 2015 Ozzie, the original male eagle, was killed by a rival eagle in an aerial fight.
2014/15 – 1st egg laid 11/19/14, 2nd 11/22/14, hatch watch starts around 12/21/14.
2013/14 – 1st laid 11/17/13, 2nd 11/20/13, 1st hatched
12/23/13, 2nd hatched 12/25/13, E3 didn’t survive.
2012/13 – 1st egg laid 11/26/12, 2nd 11/29/12. 1st egg hatched 1/1/13, 2nd 1/3/13
2011/12 – 1 eaglet, 2010/11 – 2 eaglets,
2009/10 – 1 eaglet, 2008/09 – 2 eaglets
Interesting facts
The adult eagles at the SWFL Eagle cams are named by the year in which they joined the nest. M15 joined in 2015 and F23 joined in 2023 after becoming M15’s new mate.
A Bald Eagle egg usually hatches within 24 hours after the first sign of a PIP or small hole in the egg created by the eaglets “egg tooth” on the end of their beak.
more wildlife cams.
From Pritchett team:
M15 and F23 were together today in the nest and at the pond. M brought F a fish that she eagerly ate. M perched on the U branch and DSPS. F perched in the treetop and the office oak. Great Spirit watch over M and F and keep E24 and E25 in your care. 18 minutes ago
It was pretty special that M brought F23 a fish! He takes great care of her! ❤️
He is such a great mate. She is so lucky. He had to play a game with her first — make it exciting! Gotta love him. So very nice to see them looking so healthy and normal today. 🙏 🙏
From Pritchett team:
Cams are buffering, it has been reported. PTZ report: No Eagles were seen at 6:30pm. a minute ago
14:23 As per update F23 🥰
Pritchett team update:
1:06p Adult to U branch. 1:44p F23 to upper E treetop. 2:23p F23 turns around, holds wings out. 2:37p F23 turns around again, wings out. 2:57p F23 flies from treetop to pond. 3:02p F23 flies from pond edge to office oak. 3:10p F23 rouses, flies W. 7 minutes ago