Hays Eagle Cam – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie
Vous regardez une émission en direct de la Nest Cam Hays Bald Eagles. L'équipement et la diffusion en direct ont été fournis dans le cadre d'un partenariat impliquant pixcams.com et la Société Audubon de Pennsylvanie occidentale.
Le nid est situé à environ 8 km du centre-ville de Pittsburgh, le long de la rivière Monongahela, près de l'endroit où existait autrefois le célèbre site de Carnegie Steel Homestead. Le couple de pygargues à tête blanche de Hays a commencé à nicher le long de la rivière Monongahela, près de Pittsburgh, en 2013.
La saison de nidification commence généralement juste après le nouvel an chaque année.
Can anyone tell me if the eagles here are working on a nest somewhere else? They don’t seem to be working on re-building it here.
Surely they must’ve found a new location, I can’t imagine they took a year off mating season.
It’s 2025 — any action on the nests this year??
Just a fly bye here and there so far.
Is this the old nest or a new one?
Almost positive this is the old one. You can still see the poop stains on the limbs. All but the bottom of the nest is gone.
is the camera off for a reason and do you think our Eagles will be back ???????????
I’m wondering if they didn’t just find another site to build a new nest. The eagles at Shepherdstown, West Virginia are already fixing up their nest for the upcoming nesting season. I know they can build a new nest pretty quickly tho, time will tell.
The eagles are fixing up their nest at U.S. Steel also. Curious what will happen here.