Pygargues à tête blanche KNF
Lac Kincaid, Louisiane
Vous observez un couple d'aigles à tête blanche en train de s'accoupler, nommé M2 (mâle) et F3 (femelle). Le nid et les caméras PTZ sont situés dans un pin à encens près de Lac Kincaid dans le Forêt nationale de Kisatchie. Les cames ont été mises en place et sont entretenues par le Service forestier américain. La nidification commence généralement en octobre, suivie de la ponte entre la mi et la fin novembre.
En savoir plus
Service forestier des États-Unis – Forêt nationale de Kisatchie - La page Facebook
Chronologie historique de la nidification 2021 : Louis et Anna 1er œuf pondu le 12/4/21, 2e œuf pondu le 12/7/21. Malheureusement, l'un des œufs s'est cassé en raison d'un atterrissage brutal d'Anna le 14/12/21. La surveillance de l'éclosion a commencé le 1/8/22 pour le 1er œuf et le 1/11/22 pour le 2e œuf. Éclos le 12/01/22.
2022 : 2 nids
Alex et Andria – 1er œuf pondu le 19/11/22 2e œuf pondu le 23/11/22. Le premier œuf a éclos le 26/12/22. Le deuxième œuf a éclos le 29/12/22.
Louis & Anne – Premier œuf 30/11/22 Deuxième œuf 3/12/22.
plus cames de la faune.
Toutes les caméras Nest (E-1, E-3)
I keep trying to view video but it appears it thinks I’m a bot and wants to log in. I’m logged in. Am I doing something wrong?
hello @Anita Catsinaditch it’s a glitch with google and youtube. You just need to log out of google and the videos will work.
This is so interesting 😃
That is interesting, Tina. Different eye colors sure makes it easier to tell them apart right now.
MaryNj it does and when she showed up last season there was another female that came on the same day as her and they both had dark eyes 😻
Very interesting Tina. Thanks for posting the info. 😊
yes it is and how amazing 🤩
A lot of nest work being done at the E-1 nest this morning. It’s coming along, but it looks like they need to bring in more moss.
Yes they are into it now but they have done this before just have to wait and see if they will have eggs this season 🤔
Fingers crossed. Hope for some eaglets at these 2 nests to make up for last year’s losses.
Yes it was hard and horrible last season.😢we should for sure have some at E-3🥰
E-3 nest cam battery has been replaced and we are all set for the season 🥰
Looks like we wont be able to watch both nests at the same time :(
Ardyth we will they have had some bad weather and not much sun to charge the new battery. But it comes on every day 😉
The Eagles at E-3 are named Alex ll & Andrea ll and as soon as the other nest has eggs, they will name them Louis ll & Ann ll