Nest Cam en direct pour colibris – Oceanside, Californie
Vous regardez une émission en direct de colibris femelles sauvages en train de nicher.
Plusieurs colibris nichent dans cette cour. Leurs nids sont généralement situés dans des buissons et ne sont pas plus gros qu'une balle de golf. Le nid est fait de plumes, de feuilles et d'autres parties de matières végétales. Elle enveloppe ensuite ce matériau avec des toiles d'araignée. Les œufs qu'elle pond sont à peu près de la taille d'un bonbon à la menthe (tic-tac). Les colibris pondent 1 ou 2 œufs par couvée. Vous pouvez vous attendre à les voir éclore après environ 14 à 16 jours à compter de la date de ponte. Les poussins continueront à grandir dans le nid pendant environ trois à quatre semaines avant de s'envoler. Pour plus d'informations sur les caméras, l'installation ou pour faire un don, veuillez visiter
Enchiladas turned out very good. They may have been a little better with corn but they were quite tasty.😋 The zucchini cake fell in the middle and was chewy in the middle but they rest was good. I did drain out as much moisture as I could. I was reading why the middle would collapse and they said it could be because the zucchini was too finally grated. I think that was probably the problem. I had grated it very finely. We have enough leftovers for tomorrow. I try to plan for leftovers.
Glad you enjoyed the enchiladas. Sure sounds good. Bet the cake was good and will be even better next time.
Glad the enchiladas turned out so good; the sauce is what makes them so yummy corn or flour 😋
My MIL used to make zucchini cake/bread; so tasty, even with a fallen center 😅
Good Night Bellas
Good nite Julie.
Hi Bellas stopping by to say Hi
Debbie disappeared too🙄
Hi Ardyth😍
Hi Julie
Just finished eating and off to bed now
I have been under the covers all day staying warm, sleep well Ardyth😘
Good place to be.
It is the right place to be on days like this😍
I looked below I posted almost all day up til 4:00 something.
You were gone for over two hours it looks like, weird for you.
Hello..we went to the bookstore (bought some lemon chiffon tea with my gift card) and the little gift shop..bought some treats for Bane..then grocery store to get a couple things for FIL..went to his house for awhile..the caregiver that brings her dog was there, a very sweet Aussie..the football game was on and I couldn’t believe the snow! Having tea now..I’ll think of tomorrow as MLK day..
Lynn, this sounds like a very nice day for all of you 💗 I like that the caregiver can bring her doggie for FIL to enjoy .
Stay warm 😘
yes and she’s a mama’s dog, loves to be with her and also to see FIL
That’s very sweet 😘
They are great dogs.
You always seem to keep busy doing fun things. Rick said we should go to the MLK parade but I dont want to go in the cold.
hmm..don’t really feel like we’ve been doing anything fun..just a couple stores once or twice a week..I’ve been hibernating, haven’t even gone to church in quite awhile..I would want to go to that parade if we had one here.
Denver has an excellent MLK parade, aka Marade. They’re shortening the length of it because it’s going to be so very cold tomo; minus 20
Is talking about MLK being political? this stalker has me rattled🙄
I don’t think so..
Thank Lynn😍 you never know what’s going to set someone off?
Wow! I can’t imagine just standing outside in that temp.
I really have been hibernating waiting for warmer weather.
Shopping can be fun!
Hi Lynn your tea sounds yummy😋 I’m going to have a cup of Mango ginger has a nice ginger bite to it, Yes tomorrow is MLK day I hope this is OK to say Guest stalker after all its a holiday a federal one there’s no mail and some businesses are closed…just a FYI banks are closed too.
Your tea sounds good Julie.
Hi Lynn I hate to sound redundant but you have been a busy bee! Glad you got tea you like. I love anything lemon. We watch the snowy Eagles game, it was coming down. The Buffalo game has a skiff. MLK was a good guy. I’ve grown in appreciation of him as the years passed.
Debbie, I really haven’t been doing much at all..we went out for maybe two hours…most of that at his dad’s..the rest of the day, nothing really …that’s how it’s been lately..just haven’t felt up to doing much..most days I”ve been staying in and doing the bare minimum..haven’t been walking Bane either..Dh has been taking him out when he’s here..some days I have to take him out in the front yard once briefly, that’s all
I. Sorry you haven’t been feeling well Lynn.