Casa Eagle Nest Cam
Você está assistindo a uma câmera ao vivo do ninho da Sea Eagle localizada no Sydney Olympic Park, em Sydney, Austrália.
Sobre o ninho: O ninho e a câmera estão localizados a cerca de 15 metros acima do solo, em um eucalipto dentro de uma reserva natural protegida. A águia marinha de barriga branca (Haliaeetus leucogaster) é a segunda maior ave de rapina da Austrália.
data/hora local: [expander_maker id=”2″ more=”Leia mais” less=”Leia menos”]Linha do tempo de aninhamento:
Este par de acasalamento de Águias-do-mar-de-barriga-branca geralmente põe dois ovos em junho e os incuba até que eclodam no final de julho. Os jovens filhotes permanecerão no ninho por cerca de 90 dias até que estejam prontos para emplumar. As águias pegam peixes do rio Parramatta próximo e dos pântanos circundantes do Parque Olímpico até que os filhotes tenham 1-2 meses de idade. Em seguida, sua dieta muda para Silver Gulls, que eles pegam de uma pequena colônia de reprodução nos destroços em Homebush Bay. Para saber mais sobre esta câmera ao vivo, visite Sea Eagle
1º ovo posto em 08/06/22, chocado em 19/07/22. 2º ovo posto em 11/06/22, chocado em 20/07/22. Os ovos da Águia-do-mar de barriga branca eclodirão após 39-41 dias de incubação. Então, com isso dito, o hatch watch começará em 15 de julho (dia 38). Lembre-se de que a eclosão/posição é sempre baseada na hora local.
January 6: sad news from the nest. Last week we received a call from a vet. She had a banded juvenile, which I have confirmed is our bird. The rescue was at Spring Farm, in a suburban backyard, and he was unable to fly. SE33 was x-rayed and it was confirmed the left wrist is dislocated severely. The decision was made to euthanase the bird, as chances of flight and life without pain are slim. It is suspected the injury was caused by acute trauma. It was good news to learn that the bird had good body condition and has… Read more »
These are such dedicated parents and raise beautiful eaglets, but it just never seems to work out well for them. Makes me so sad.
Heartbreaking indeed 😭
Sad news…………………. November 12: We are sad to report that our younger juvenile SE34 has been euthanased. She received loving care after being found far from home, (see the attached photo) but after further veterinary assessment her future was not deemed possible. Severe eye problems and lack of vision in one eye meant she was virtually blind and would probably be in pain. Life is hard for newly fledged raptors. Unfortunately the other juvenile has also been found injured and is in care for further assessment. We are waiting for further information on SE33’s condition and future now and shall… Read more »
Omg this devastating news. My heart is broken 😭 Rest in peace precious darling SE34 ♥ and praying our darling SE34 will make it through. Thank you for the updates and monitoring progress Ardtyh~Tucson.
Oops Sorry…I meant praying our darling SE33 will make it through. ♥
Mountain Lady I haven’t seen anymore information about SE33. Does anyone know if it made it?
I know nothing, unfortunately. I wish someone would say something . . . . .
posted some sad news from FB above
More sad news about SE33…..My heart is broken.💔
They did so well in the nest and then both their lives were cut short.
Great news on the eagle cam Facebook page about the parents and juveniles at the river. All together.
Thank you Pamela, You just made my day. 😃
I wish they came back at night, looks so lonely now.
Me too Ardyth 😭
I keep looking in to see Lilly 😪