Video – A Tricky Situation – Shadows 1st Time Incubating 3 Eggs – Big Bear Bald Eagle Cam



Jackie was incubating the eggs when Shadow came flying in with a stick. Not too long after Jackie got up and flew off, leaving Shadow with the stick in his mouth looking around and quickly realizing it’s his turn to incubate.. He took a good long look at the three eggs and carefully made his way over the top of them after setting the stick down. It was a bit tricky no doubt, stepping softly and feeling his way with his feet to make sure he knew where the eggs were before sitting down. This video really shows Shadows caring personality and of course his love for sticks! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Stay tuned and donโ€™t forget to sign up for our email updates! ๐Ÿฅฐ

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