Big Bear Eagle Cams
You are watching the Big Bear Eagle cams. Located at Big Bear Lake, California USA. The nest and cameras are situated about 145 feet up in a Jeffrey Pine tree. This nest is the current home for Bald Eagles named Jackie(female) and Shadow(male). Egg laying/hatching typically happens from January to March every year.
The live camera feeds have been provided by Friends of Big Bear Valley, a non-profit organization. For more information about the Friends of Big Bear Valley or to make a donation please visit
wide angle view
nest view
Oh, sweet Mom! I wish it was dry snow.
It is wet snow..and it is raining pretty good where we live… very windy also..there are mudsldes in LA where the fires were.. Feel so bad for them..
Water drop now looks like a caterpillar.😀
It is 34 degrees but feels like 23..lower temps are expected though Friday, High wind warnings…20 mph plus.. chance of snow 100%..getting 3-5 inches
what a great mom & Dad…rain/snow thru tomorrow
Thanks Gwen. I was just wondering how much snow they were getting. Don’t like hearing about the high winds.😧
Hi Becki, the weather just came out our news at noon..hopefully winds will get calmer.. as evening approach’s… ..
Cool water drop on the camera.
Looks like the rain turned to snow.