Live Bald Eagle Cams

KNF Eagle Cam
active Dec-April
Hays Eagle Cam
active Jan-May
USS Eagle Cam
active Jan-May
Decorah Eagle Nest
active February – June
Berry Eagles
active January – May
SW Florida Eagle Nest
active November – March
Big Bear Eagle Nest
active late Jan – May
Decorah North Nest
active February – June
Notre Dame Bald Eagles
active February – June
Duke Farms Eagles
active January – May
active February – June
NCTC Eagle Cams
active February – June
more Live Wildlife Cams

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About Bald Eagles

Once a plentiful species, the Bald Eagle was selected as the national bird of the United States in 1782, but, the population of this magnificent bird dropped drastically in the 20th century due to the use of pesticides, overhunting and pollution of rivers. However, a successful recovery plan was created, and it is currently proposed for removal from the endangered species list. Furthermore, this Bald Eagle cam listing provides you the ability to view nests from all over the United States and experience the regrowth of this wonderful species.

Bald Eagle Cams – How to tell the difference between mom and dad?

The female Bald Eagle is larger in size and her wingspan is longer. Also, her back talon(hallux talon) is longer, and she has a bigger, longer beak. In fact, the beak may even start behind her eye whereas the male beak may not. While watching the Bald Eagle Cams you will notice a sizeable difference between male and female.

Physical Characteristics

Length: 28 – 38 in (71-96cm)
Weight: 6 1/2 – 14 lbs (3.0-6.5kg)
Migration: Partial migrant
Habitat: Nearby water, including rivers, as well as lakes and coastal locations up to an altitude of 6,500 ft.
Population: Scarce

Population and Growth:

Currently, its been estimated that over 6,000 mating pairs of Bald Eagles breed in the lower 48 states and far more than that in Canada and Alaska. In fact, some the the organizations who set up and maintain these Bald Eagle cams track the population and growth of their local Bald Eagle population.

Bald Eagle Cams – How big are Bald Eagle eggs?

Bald Eagle eggs are about the size of a tennis ball, but oval shaped like an egg normally is of course. A bald eagle egg weighs 120-130 grams. For example, a large chicken egg weighs about 50 grams. (28 grams = 1 ounce) While watching the Bald Eagle cams you will often get a close up view to see the eggs in more detail during zoom sessions.

Bald Ealge Cams – Winter Feeding Information:

From the time they hatch to the time the young Bald Eagles fledge is about 10 to 13 weeks. Of course, the Bald Eagle cams follow this process from start to finnish.

When will the baby eaglets take their first flight?

During the winter large numbers of Bald Eagles gather at the spawning grounds of salmon, trout and other river fish. These Bald Eagles compete against other predatory birds and bears for the dead and dying fish. Some of the Bald Eagle cams have PTZ cams which allows them to focus on areas other than the nest.

Bald Eagle Cams Which Eagle Hunts For The Food?

They both hunt. The female might be on the nest more often when brooding..

Bald Eagle Cams – Are the cameras that are used on the eagles nest, shining a light on the eagle all night long?

Indeed, they do have a cam light shining on them all night long. However, the cameras light is called infrared and can’t be seen by humans or animals. Only cameras can pick it up. For example, if you walked out to that nest at night it would look pitch black outside. In fact, almost every Bald Eagle cam has this feature.

What the Bald Eagle looks like:

The adult Bald Eagle is unmistakable due to the prominent white head, yellow eyes, bill and feet which contrast the dark brown of its wings and back. However, the juvenile’s plumage is not as recognizable as adults and some times can be mistaken as a Golden Eagle. Moreover, the juvenile will develop into its full adult plumage at 4 years of age. Of course, the more you watch Bald Eagle cams, the more you will learn about how to tell the difference between a male and female Bald Eagle. Reading the comments section below each live cam or asking questions is also another great way to learn about Bald Eagles.

Decorah Eagles 3/21/23 photo by: Bob from Michigan

Interesting Fact:

The Bald Eagle is really not bald like it’s name portrays, but gets that title because it’s head is covered with white feathers which gives the impression of baldness when compared to it’s dark feathered body.

Bald Eagle Cams – What is a pip?

A pip hole is a tiny hole that the eaglet inside the egg makes with its “egg tooth” (a sharp little point at the end of its beek) in the outside shell when it first starts to hatch.

Bald Eagle Cams – What happens to all the inedible stuff – muskrat tails, rabbit skulls and such?

As you will see while watching the Bald Eagle Cams, Most of the stuff that isn’t eaten – feathers, bones, etc. will remain in the nest.

In addition, to hear Bald Eagle sounds, including a range map showing where they live check out

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