Decorah Eagles – Decorah, Iowa.
You are watching the Decorah Eagle cam. The male Eagle(slightly smaller in size) and female Eagle in like manner help in the incubation of the eggs. The parents help equally in providing food for their offspring. The typical timeline of events every season for the Decorah Eagles pair is as follows.
As fall comes into full swing in October, this nesting pair begins courtship. Then as time progresses, mating occurs which is around late January to early February. Finally, our favorite time of year, egg-laying! This occurs from mid to end February with cute little eaglets arriving sometime in late March to early April.
About the Decorah Eagles cam
There are currently 2 nests at the hatchery. They have been named N1 and N2B. N1 was rebuilt by RRP in September 2021. N2B is currently empty.
The live cam is currently focused on nest N1. At nest(N1) a new pair of Bald Eagles have moved in. Named HD(hatchery dad and HM(hatchery mom), they have both been busy at the nest mostly in the mornings and evenings getting it prepared for the 2023 nesting season.
The original Decorah Eagles mom and her mate DM2 decided build a nest elsewhere for the spring 2021 and spring 2022 seasons. A pair of Canadian Geese decided to nest at the original Decorah Eagle nest(N2B) in the spring of 2022.
Nesting history can be found here:
When will HD and HM lay eggs?
Sometime between mid February and the beginning of March.
What do they eat?
Bald Eagles are opportunistic carnivores. As a matter of fact, they eat fresh meat the easiest way that it’s available to them. The Decorah Eagles diet consists of a lot of fish, small mammals and not to mention, fresh dead carcasses as well. Furthermore, this Eagle pair is fortunate to have a trout hatchery near the nest.
This camera was Set up and is maintained by the Raptor Resource Project, a non-profit organization for the preservation of falcons, eagles, ospreys, hawks, and owls.
Decorah Eagles Live Cam 2024
more wildlife cams
check out the Decorah North Nest.
N1 Nest Cam