Osprey Nest Cam – Port Lincoln, South Australia
You are watching a pair of Osprey nesting. This nest is located on a barge at the Port Lincoln marina.
Remember hatch/lay is always based on local time. Historically nesting starts in August with eggs being laid mid August to September. Then hatching in September-October.
local date/time:2021 – Three eggs have been laid. 3, 6 and 9th of August. All three have hatched with the 3rd egg hatching on Sept 15th 2021.
2022 1st egg laid 8-9, 2nd egg 8-12, 3rd egg 8-15. Hatch can be expected about 38 days after the egg is laid.
More information about the nest can be found at facebook.com/portlincolnosprey and a detailed timeline of current events can be found on google docs.