Wood Pigeon Nest Cam
You are watching a live cam of Wood Pigeons nesting. This camera is located in Suffolk, United Kingdom. There are two eggs in the nest. The first egg was laid on July 28th 2024 and 2nd egg laid on July 29th 2024. Incubation starts after the last egg is laid and lasts for 16-17 days before the eggs hatch. Hatch watch for this nest starts on 8/14/24. For more information about this nest please visit seagomacwildlife.co.uk.
here’s an explanation from their YouTube page on what happened
Aww empty nest . Just found this nest too bad I guess predators got them. Hope mom made it out.
Sad both are gone😥 Not sure what happen.
you can hardly see them in the nest under the twigs
switching duties @ 10:44