Live Barn Owl Nest Box Cam – Dorset, UK
This is a live feed of wild barns owls named the Lorton Meadows Barn Owls brought to you by the Dorset Wildlife Trust, United Kingdom. The male has a white chest and face. He usually shows up after dark but has spent an entire day with the female.
Best of Season #2
Worked on some excise taxes for a client, made up a list of clients that I know have to issue Form 1099’s, pulled clothes out of the dryer, paid bills, and did a bit of this and that. DH went up north near Seattle today for a meeting. I had my church home group zoom meeting. DH wasn’t feeling so good when he got home so he went to bed early. I had dinner in the crockpot so he could eat as soon as he got here. Oh, he got his blood test results – iron now in normal range.… Read more »
Good evening…did some more little jobs, this and that..recycled more papers, magazines, etc..going to read and relax in a bit..
Another Chunk the Groundhog video.
Got a call from a client this morning asking if a particular notice he had received from the IRS was real and why the address did not have a PO Box. The post office now asks for a street address or a PO box if you want to send something certified mail, but the IRS often has used city addresses only because every city knows where its huge IRS facility is and the local post office probably has special arrangements for its mail. Anyway, the IRS has not updated its address system to match the new USPS system. The notice… Read more »